International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy

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Authors Guidelines



1. Send your paper (as indicated in Authors Guidelines) to the Editor (

2. You will receive a message to confirm reception.

3. In a maximum of one month you will receive a message with the first editorial decision (reject the paper or accept it to be peer-reviewed) .

4. In a maximumn of three months you will receive the final editorial decision (accept the paper for publication; accept the paper pending changes indicated; or reject it).

5. If your paper has been accepted the editing process begins immediately. 


Please include a COVER LETTER (or message) that containts:

* A SUBMISSION DECLARATION that the manuscript has not been published previously and it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. 

* The manuscript has been approved by all authors. 

* Name and surname, address and Institution, and Email address for all authors. Phone and fax numbers of  Correspondence Author.

* A brief statement, why you think the article is important and why IJP&PT should publish it. 

* Details of anyone you would not like to review your paper. 

1. International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy is a journal which publishes empirical and theoretical contributions on any topics of Psychology. The Journal will be consider for publication research or theoretical reports, theoretical reviews, case studies, letters to the editor dealing with comments about articles previously appeared in the journal, and book reviews. Monographic issues will also be published. The Journal will punctually announce the planned subjects and contribution form.  

2. Manuscripts (.doc or .docx) should be typed 1.5 spaced in DIN A-4 format with Times 10 font and with 3cm margins. Concerning research or theoretical reports, theoretical reviews, and case studies should be prepared according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association:

(a) A separate page must be enclosed containing: the title of the paper; the author(s) name(s); the institutional affiliation and E-mail address of each author; and, the postal and E-mail address for corresponding author.

(b) The title page should include an abstract in English not exceeding 250 words followed by a list of up to five keywords.

(c) Figures should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals in separate pages. Authors must indicate their approximate intended location in the manuscript. They must be provided in a form suitable for direct reproduction, with a recommended size of 9 x 12 cm. Every figure in Excel format as a separated document should be identified with its number. Tables in word document should also be consecutively numbered with arabic numerals.

(d)The list of references should appear in alphabetical order including all the cited publications
in the text. In each reference it is neccesary to include all the authors (independently of their number).It is neccesaryto include Doi number when available.

In TextThree to Five Authors: For the first cite, all authors should be listed. Further cites can be shorted to the first author’s name followed by et aliiSix or More Authors: Only the first author’s surname should be stated followed by et alii.


 In References: all authors should be listed.

References (examples)

Articles (indicate Doi)

Surname Initials all authors (Year). Complete Title. Complete name of Journal, Volume, initial page-final page. Doi: xxxxxxx. (Please only Doi number, no Doi link)


Fryling MJ & Hayes LJ (2019). Interpersonal Closeness and Conflict in Interbehavioral Perspective. International Journal of Psychology & Psychological Therapy, 19, 131-140. Doi: 111111/abc0000000

Gil Roales-Nieto J, Moreno San Pedro E, Córdoba R, Marín B, Jiménez López FR, Gil Luciano A, Silvano A, Fernández Lao, IR, Granados G, & Hernández M (2016). Flexibilidad psicológica y autoabandono del tabaco. International Journal of Psychology & Psychological Therapy, 16, 111-130.  Doi: 111111/abc0000000


Lasch C (1996). Refugio en un mundo despiadado. Reflexión sobre la familia contemporánea. Barcelona: Gedisa.

Book's chapters

Orsillo SM, Roemer L, Block-Lerner J, LeJeune C & Herbert JD (2005). ACT with anxiety disorders. In SC Hayes & KD Strosahl (Eds),A Practical Guide to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (pp. 103-132). New York: Springer Science & Business Media.

Congress Proceedings (published) 

Gerome JR (2005). Working with the terminally ill. In ABA Conference Proceedings (pp. 279-282). Chicago, USA: ABA.

Unpublished congress participation

Gerome JR (2004). Working with the terminally ill. Paper presented at the ABA Meeting, New York, USA.

Doctoral Dissertations

Author (Year). Title of dissertation. Doctoral dissertation, Name of Institution. 

3. Manuscripts should be prepared according to the APA Publication Manual and this GUIDELINES, and submited to the Editor to the following address: 

4. The review process is anonymous, so authors’ names or affiliations should not appear anywhere on the manuscript. If corrections are needed before definitely acceptance, corrected manuscripts should be send to the editor within three months. Passed this time without receiving the new version, manuscripts will be rejected for publication and returned to the author. When submitting a corrected version, authors should enclose a letter itemising every change (section, page, line) and, where appropriate, the difference of opinion.

5. When an author is preparing to submit a manuscript, he/she needs to ensure that there is a section following the Abstract entitled “Novelty and Relevance” written in a style that is understood by a general audience. This section, which should be about 100 words, comprises 2 subsections under the following headings:

1. What is already known about the topic? (with a two or three bullet points over the known facts in the literature on the article' topic.)

2. What this paper adds? (with a two or three bullet points highlighting the novelty of data or arguments of the paper.)

Ethical Policy 

Manuscripts are considered on the understanding that they contain original material, that the manuscript and material within the manuscript have not been published and are not being considered for publication elsewhere in whole or in part in any language, including publicly accessible web sites or e-print servers, except as an abstract.

The authors also certify that any and all other work in preparation, submitted, in press, or published that is potentially overlapping either in the actual data presented or in the conceptual approach is enclosed along with the original submission. Any material within the manuscript that has appeared elsewhere must be cross-referenced and permission to use or adapt the material must be received, in writing from the copyright holder.

By manuscripts describing studies on humans, authors must state that the research have been approved by the appropriate ethics committee (if it was the case). Names, initials or codes of medical histories should be masked in order to prevent the identification of any single person. At the section subjects of the manuscript should also be stated that all persons gave their informed consent prior to their inclusion in the study. Reports of animal experiments must state that the research follows international directives or national laws concerning care and protection of animals for scientific purposes. Financed studies should mention the institution or sponsor that provide the funding. Authors must be in possession of publication permission by the supporter institution. The journal does not accept already published material. The authors are responsible for holding permission to reproduce partially text, tables or figures published elsewhere and for quoting their source accurately. In order to prevent any conflict of interests authors are expected to state any commercial association concerning their reported work. On the authors’ list should solely figure persons contributing intellectually to the reported research. Generally, it is understood that authorship implies the participation in the planning and carrying out of the work, the participation in the writing of the manuscript and any possible revisions and having endorsed the final version. Data and opinions appearing in the articles are the solely responsibility of the contributors. IJP&PTand AAC denies any liability for the consequences of any opinion or statement. The journal also denies any liability for conflicts concerning authorship of the published papers. 


The decision to publish a paper is based on an editorial assessment and peer review on a two-step process:

1. Initially all papers are assessed by an Editorial Committee consisting of 2 or more members of the Editorial Team. The prime purpose is to decide whether to send a paper for peer review and to give a rapid decision on those that are not.

Papers which do not meet basic standards or are unlikely to be published irrespective of a positive peer review, for example because their novel contribution is insufficient or the relevance to the discipline is unclear, may be rejected at this point in order to avoid delays to authors who may wish to seek publication elsewhere.

Occasionally a paper will be returned to the author with requests for revisions in order to assist the editors in deciding whether or not send it out for review. Authors can expect a decision from this stage of the review process within 3-4 weeks of submission.

2. Manuscripts going forward to the review process are reviewed by members of an international expert panel. All such papers will undergo a double blind peer review by two or more reviewers, plus a member of the Associate Editorial Board. All papers are subject to peer review and we take every reasonable step to ensure author identity is concealed during the review process. We aim to complete this process within 2-6 months of the decision to review although occasionally delays do happen. Authors should allow at least 6 months from submissions before contacting the Journal. The Editor reserves the right to the final decision regarding acceptance.


Statements, opinions, and results of studies published in IJP&PT are those of the authors and do not reflect the policy or position of the Editor, Editorial Council of IJP&PT, and AAC, and the AAC provides no warranty as to their accuracy or reliability.


Open Access Publication Policy


The full text of every article published in IJP&PT will be immediately accessible on through open access. IJP&PT is committed to keeping articles Open Access (with deposit of the full text content in Proquest, Scopus, Redalyc as well as fully Open Access on

To support this IJP&PT is now asking all authors to pay an Open Access fee of 3.00€/page on acceptance of the paper. IJP&PT (members of the Editorial Board and Subscribers are exempt from this payment). Consideration of articles is not related to ability to pay the fee, and we ask authors not to discuss with Editors any issues concerning payment at any stage of the peer review process. Any communications related to fees are handled by Editorial Office staff not involved in decisions about manuscripts.

The IJP&PT’s publication licence allows each author to post their article’s URL on either their own or their institutional’s website, thereby giving users free access to the full text of the article on

Authors may use their own articles for the following non commercial purposes without asking IJP&PT for permission (and subject only to acknowledging first publication in IJP&PT and giving a full reference or web link, as appropriate):

- Posting a pdf of their article on their own personal or institutional website for which no charge for access is made.

- Making a reasonable number of copies for personal or teaching purposes.

- Using individual figures or tables or extracts of text (up to 250 words) in other publications published by a third party with appropiated reference.

On orders that we receive for a single article reprint or translation sale that exceed 1500 € in value, we will pay authors a royalty of 50% of net receipts less sales any commission, which will be paid to the Corresponding Author for distribution as agreed between the authors.

Anyone else (other than the author of a paper) who wants to reproduce a IJP&PT article needs to ask for permission.

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Master Terapias Contextuales