International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy

Volume 8 Num. 3 - October 2008


A Proposal to Measure a Modulator of the Experience of Enjoyment: The Gaudiebility Scale

Volume 8 Num. 3 - October 2008 - Pages 413-430


Ferran Padr?s , Jordi Fern?ndez Castro


This study adopts a theoretical and empirical approach to the concept of gaudiebility which
has been defined as the set of mediators (skills, beliefs and lifestyles) which regulate the
enjoyment that people experience. The psychometric properties of the Gaudiebility Scale
were analyzed in three samples (N= 371, 202, and 369). This scale is made up by 23 items.
It shows an internal structure of one factor, high internal consistency, and high test-retest
reliability. Relationships between gaudiebility and mood states, quality of life, clinical
depression, frequency of exposure to potential reinforcements and self-reported enjoyability
were tested. Empirical data indicate that the Gaudiebility Scale presents a satisfactory
validity and reliability. These results strengthen and support the proposal of a gaudiebility
as a useful construct for research in psychology.
Keywords: enjoy, enjoyability, happiness, well-being, quality of life.This study adopts a theoretical and empirical approach to the concept of gaudiebility which
has been defined as the set of mediators (skills, beliefs and lifestyles) which regulate the
enjoyment that people experience. The psychometric properties of the Gaudiebility Scale
were analyzed in three samples (N= 371, 202, and 369). This scale is made up by 23 items.
It shows an internal structure of one factor, high internal consistency, and high test-retest
reliability. Relationships between gaudiebility and mood states, quality of life, clinical
depression, frequency of exposure to potential reinforcements and self-reported enjoyability
were tested. Empirical data indicate that the Gaudiebility Scale presents a satisfactory
validity and reliability. These results strengthen and support the proposal of a gaudiebility
as a useful construct for research in psychology.

Key words:

enjoy, enjoyability, happiness, well-being, quality of life.

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