Volume 7 Num. 2 - July 2007
Intergroup Threat Increases Implicit Stereotyping [La Amenaza Intergrupo Incrementa la Estereotipia Impl?cita]
Volume 7 Num. 2 - July 2007 - Pages 189-200
Karen Gonsalkorale, Kristy Carlisle and William von Hippel
Although many theories of intergroup relations propose that threat leads to outgroup hostility, relatively little research has examined the effects of collective threat on stereotyping. Two studies were conducted to test the hypothesis that intergroup threat leads to greater implicit stereotyping of the threatening group. In Study 1, White participants exposed to information portraying Asians as collectively threatening implicitly stereotyped Asians more than did participants who were not threatened. In Study 2, collective threat again resulted in greater stereotypic processing of Asians, which was also associated with increases in collective self-esteem. These findings suggest that implicit stereotyping following threat may serve to restore collective self-esteem.
Key words:
Collective Threat, Collective Self-esteem, Implicit Stereotyping, Intergroup Relations
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