International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy

Volume 4 Num. 2 - July 2004


Criticizing the Tendency for Evolutionary Psychologists to Adopt Cognitive Paradigms When Discussing Language [Una Cr?tica de la Tendencia de los Psic?logos Evolutivos a Adoptar Paradigmas Cognitivos Al Estudiar el Lenguaje]

Volume 4 Num. 2 - July 2004 - Pages 325-340


Ethan White and Michael Dougher


Relational Frame Theory (RFT) has opened previously unreceptive areas of empirical behavioral research and illuminated fundamental aspects of human language and cognition. We may gain additional insight into the function of language by understanding the specific contingencies in our environment that have been instrumental in its evolution and development. Evolutionary psychology may help to illuminate the effects of verbal behavior in naturally and sexually selected environments, allowing researchers a better understanding of how and why we form complex relations.

Key words:

RFT, language, human cognition, evolution and development of language, evolutionary psychology, natural selection, sexual selection, formation of complex relations.

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