International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy

Volume 25 Num. 1 - March 2025


Meet Your Public: A new Internet-delivered Program Integrating Exposure Therapy and Self-compassion Writing Exercises May Lessen Fear of Public Speaking while Increasing Self-compassion

Volume 25 Num. 1 - March 2025 - Pages 95-110


Alex-Anne Lamoureux , France Talbot


Fear of public speaking (FoPS) is a prevalent condition that remains undertreated despite exposure being an efficient intervention. Internet-based exposure therapy may facilitate access to treatment, but engagement can be a challenge. Internet-based written exposure therapy combined to self-compassion training may help to improve FoPS and engagement. This study assessed the feasibility of a minimally guided internet-based written exposure and self-compassion therapy for FoPS. Meet Your Public. It is a 6-week program available in English and French that includes psychoeducation and writing exercises related to FoPS, exposure and self-compassion. Nineteen participants were eligible for analysis. A single group design including a 3-month follow-up was used. Feasibility outcomes included adherence, attrition, treatment acceptability and preliminary efficacy on FoPS, negative and positive self-statements pertaining to FoPS, and self-compassionate and self-uncompassionate behaviors. About two thirds of the participants completed the program and the study (63%). Most study completers reported that they would recommend the program to a friend (80%). Intent-to-treat mixed-effect models analyses revealed large improvements of FoPS (Glass’ delta= 1.23) which were maintained at follow-up. Small to moderate improvements were also found from pre-treatment to post-treatment or follow-up on all other outcome measures (Glass’ deltas from 0.21 to 0.68). Meet Your Public may be beneficial while facilitating access to treatment for FoPS. Future directions to further improve engagement and satisfaction are discussed

How to cite this paper:
Amoureux A-A & Talbot F (2025). Meet Your Public: A new internet-delivered program integrating exposure therapy and self-compassion writing exercises may lessen fear of public speaking while increasing self-compassion. International Journal of Psychology & Psychological Therapy, 25, 1, 95-110.

Key words:

fear of public speaking, social anxiety, internet intervention, written exposure therapy, self-compassion

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