Volume 25 Num. 1 - March 2025
Meditation Interventions improve Visuospatial Working Memory: A Systematic Review
Volume 25 Num. 1 - March 2025 - Pages 35-53
Sant Pyari Saxena , Nisha Mahaur , Sona Ahuja
In recent decades, there has been a notable increase in studies focusing on meditation-based interventions, with a primary aim of exploring their impact on both physical and mental health. The objective of this systematic review was to investigate the effect of meditation-based interventions on Visuo-Spatial Working Memory (VSWM). A search for the review was conducted through 2393 studies published between 2009 to 2023, across 10 electronics databases using consistent keywords. The review included 30 randomized controlled trials, which included both active control group and no active control group designs with a total of 1854 individuals. The studies underwent a screening process based on their titles and abstracts, and they were assessed in accordance with pre-defined eligibility criteria. These were examined with respect to participant demographics, and the outcomes. Most studies showed that meditation interventions enhance VSWM. Fewer studies targeted Focused Attention Meditation practices as compared to mindfulness meditation. The present review has also integrated EEG studies, showing the significant effect of meditation practices on brain activities in fronto-parietal regions associated with working memory and VSWM. Across all intervention types and durations, positive effects of meditation on VSWM were consistently observed. Short-term interventions (e.g., 3-8 weeks) demonstrated immediate benefits, while long-term practices (e.g., 2-10 years) showed sustained improvements in VSWM. Most studies (n= 24) focused on student populations, while others examined diverse age groups, including children and older adults. These findings highlight the potential for incorporating meditation practices into programs that focus on the enhancement of executive functions of individuals.
How to cite this paper:
Saxena SP, Mahaur N, & Ahuja S (2025). Meditation Interventions improve Visuospatial Working Memory: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Psychology & Psychological Therapy, 25, 1, 35-53
Key words:
meditation intervention, visuospatial working memory, working memory, focused attention meditation, open monitoring meditation
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