International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy

Volume 21 Num. 3 - October 2021


Tensión individualismo-gregarismo en la configuración psicológica del ser humano I: apuntes sobre el surgimiento y las variaciones históricas del yo [Individualism-Gregariousness Tension in the Psychological Configuration of the Human Being, I: Notes on the Emergence and Historical Variations of the Self.]

Volume 21 Num. 3 - October 2021 - Pages 261-288


Jesús Gil Roales-Nieto


This article presents the idea of articulating the concepts of individualism and gregariousness as two elements in tension in the psychological configuration of human beings, and the historical variations in self-configurations. The essay explores the genesis and evolution of the archetypes of the self developed in the different historical contexts throughout the history of humanity. This analysis connects with the functional and contextual perspective facilitating an inclusive vision of the behavioral repertoires that are articulated through the concepts of individualism, gregariousness, and the self. The main characteristics of the two groups of self-configurations emerged throughout the history of the human being are described: archetypes of gregarious selves, and archetypes of individualistic selves. Differentiating three individualistic archetypes such as romantic self, modernist self, and postmodernist self.

How to cite this paper:
Gil Roales-Nieto, J (2021). Tensión individualismo-gregarismo en la configuración psicológica del ser humano, I: apuntes sobre el surgimiento y las variaciones históricas del yo. International Journal of Psychology & Psychological Therapy, 21, 3, 261-288

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