Volume 21 Num. 1 - March 2021
Estudio psicómetrico de la escala AAQ-II de evitación experiencial en población de México
Volume 21 Num. 1 - March 2021 - Pages 81-91
Mellin Sánchez, María Guadalupe , Padrós Blázquez, Ferrán
The most widely used instrument to assess experiential avoidance or psychological inflexibility is the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II AAQ-II), which has shown adequate psychometric properties in the 7-item version. In Mexico, there is only one study with the 10 original items, carried out with a small sample and the internal structure has not been studied through a Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). Therefore, the objective was to study the internal structure from an Exploratory Factor Analysis (in the first phase, with 211 participants) and a CFA (in the final phase, n= 993) of the AAQ-II, the goodness of the items that compose it, its internal consistency and the relationship with anxious and depressive symptoms. In addition, descriptive data of the levels of experiential avoidance in the general population of Michoacán (México) are presented. In the second phase, AAQ-II, BAI and BDI were administered, at the same time that sociodemographic data were requested from 993 adults. The unifactorial structure of other studies was corroborated, a high internal consistency of the total scale was observed (α= .897) and, high and positive correlations were found with BAI and BDI. It can be concluded that the present study shows for the first time that the 7-items AAQ-II is suitable for use in the general population of Michoacán (México). The AAQ-II is a very useful instrument in the field of acceptance and commitment therapy and other third generation interventions.
How to cite this paper: Mellin Sánchez MG & Padrós Blázquez F (2021). Estudio psicómetrico de la escala AAQ-II de evitación experiencial en población de México. International Journal of Psychology & Psychological Therapy, 21, 1, 81-91.
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