Volume 19 Num. 3 - October 2019
Single-case Experimental Design Evaluation of Repetitive Negative Thinking-Focused Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Generalized Anxiety Disorder with Couple-related Worrypp. 261-276
Francisco J Ruiz , Diana M García Beltrán , Andrea Monroy Cifuentes , Juan C Suárez Falcón
Psychometric Properties of the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) on Vulnerable Colombian Adolescentspp. 277-289
CP Guarnizo Guzmán , MB García Martín , JC Suárez Falcón , MA Sierra
Efectos del cambio a café filtrado sobre los niveles séricos de colesterol [A Reversal Study on the Effects of Change to Filtered Coffee on Serum Cholesterol Levels]pp. 291-310
Jesús Gil Roales-Nieto , Emilio Moreno San Pedro , Ana Gil Luciano , José Luis Blanco Coronado
Suicidal Ideation in Adolescents Assessed with the Three-mode Component Approachpp. 311-322
Fabia Morales Vives , Jorge Manuel Dueñas , Sandra Cosi , Urbano Lorenzo Seva
Exploring the Use of Pictures of Self and Other in the IRAP: Reflecting upon the Emergence of Differential Trial Type Effectspp. 323-336
Deirdre Kavanagh , Nele Matthyssen , Yvonne Barnes-Holmes , Dermot Barnes-Holmes , Ciara McEnteggart , Roberta Vastano
Individual Differences in Anxiety and Worry, Not Anxiety Disorders, Predict Weakened Executive Control: Preliminary Evidencepp. 337-344
Robert W Booth , Burcu Tekeş
Hoarding Rating Scale-Interview: Reliability and Construct Validity in a Nonclinical Samplepp. 345-352
Palmira Faraci , Claudia Perdighe , Claudio Del Monte , Angelo Maria Saliani
Using the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (IRAP) to Investigate Attractiveness Bias in the Domain of Employabilitypp. 353-364
Margaret Was , Mairéad Foody , Carol Murphy
Treatment Acceptability and Cultural Sensitivity of Standard Behavioral Therapies among Latinx and non-Latinx White College Studentspp. 365-371
William O’Donohue , Lorraine T Benuto