International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy

Volume 18 Num. 3 - October 2018


Faking a Race IRAP Effect in the Context of Single versus Multiple Label Stimuli

Volume 18 Num. 3 - October 2018 - Pages 289-300


Ciara Dunne , Ciara McEnteggart , Colin Harte , Dermot Barnes-Holmes , Yvonne Barnes-Holmes


In this study, white participants were exposed to a single-label or multiple-label racial bias IRAP before and after a faking instruction (i.e., two exposures to the IRAP). The faking instruction involved asking all participants to imagine that they were a black person when completing the second IRAP. The results indicated that participants produced evidence of pro-white and anti-black biases both before and after receiving the faking instruction. Analyses of variance revealed no main or interaction effects for the single- versus multiple-label variable, and trial-type specific paired t-tests yielded no significant differences between the pre- and post-faking instruction IRAPs. The results were consistent with previous racial bias findings using the IRAP and supported the conclusion that faking only occurs when participants are provided with specific information about the task parameters. Implications for faking research, and the impact of instructions generally, on the IRAP are discussed.

How to cite this paper: Dunne C, McEnteggart C, Harte C, Barnes-Holmes D, & Barnes-Holmes Y (2018). Faking a Race IRAP Effect in the Context of Single versus Multiple Label Stimuli. International Journal of Psychology & Psychological Therapy, 18, 3, 289-300.

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