International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy

Volume 17 Num. 3 - October 2017


Accounting for Musical Perception Through Equivalence Relations and Abstraction: An Experimental Approach

Volume 17 Num. 3 - October 2017 - Pages 279-289


Luis Fernando Toniollo Reis , William Ferreira Perez , Julio Cesar de Rose


The present study aimed to establish equivalence classes between musical chords, the corresponding chord grids, and the labels for each chord type (major, minor and 7th). Seven adults participated in a computerized matching-to-sample procedure. During training sessions, participants learned relations between chords of the same root note and either their corresponding chord grids or the words labeling their type. Equivalence relations between grids and words were then verified, and a generalization test assessed abstraction of the chord type with previously untrained chords. Phase 1 used chords having C as the root note. Phases 2 and 3 were programmed similarly, using chords having E and G as their root notes. Most participants had positive results on equivalence tests. Across the experimental phases, the percentage of correct choices in the generalization tests increased gradually for four out of seven participants. A behavioral account of musical perception through the concept of abstraction is discussed.

How to cite this paper: Reis LF, Perez W, & de Rose JC (2017) Accounting for Musical Perception Through Equivalence Relations and Abstraction: An Experimental Approach. International Journal of Psychology & Psychological Therapy, 17, 279-289.

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