International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy

Volume 17 Num. 3 - October 2017


The Self and Responding to the Own’s Behavior. Implications of Coherence and Hierarchical Framing

Volume 17 Num. 3 - October 2017 - Pages 267-275


Carmen Luciano


The analysis of human behavior is a difficult endeavour, because of its variability, its generativity, and because of the influence of private events in our own acting. Behavior Analysis provided the first experimental bases to study these difficulties from a functional philosophy of behavior and, in 70’, unexpected research findings opened the door towards an excellent avenue for the analysis of complex human behavior. Then, Relational Frame Theory began to be rooted and language, as a relational behavior, as framing, was experimentally approached. Several relational behaviors were identified, among others, deictic and hierarchical framing. As well coherence emerged as a historically established function of the behavior of framing. This presentation is focused on coherence and hierarchical framing as the key points of self/one’s behavior and responding to the one’s own behavior. Its implications extend to a wide range of scientific fields where a contextual human behavior approach is helpful.

How to cite this paper: Luciano C (2017) The Self and Responding to the Own’s Behavior. Implications of Coherence and Hierarchical Framing. International Journal of Psychology & Psychological Therapy, 17, 267-275.

Plenary Conference, Association Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS) World Conference, 22-25 June 2017, Sevilla (España).

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