Volume 16 Num. 2 - June 2016
Relational Frame Theory, Mathematical, and Logical Skills
Volume 16 Num. 2 - June 2016 - Pages 141-155
Johan Thirus , Magnus Starbrink , Billy Jansson
The current study investigated the effects of Relational Frame Theory (RFT) based training on mathematical and logical skills. A sample of 21 Swedish high school students attending first grade and second grade were assigned to either training (n= 10) or no-training conditions (n= 11). Measures of performance on mathematical tests, Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM), and relational responding tasks were taken prior to and after training. For 8-10 weeks, the experimental group trained using SMART, an online multiple exemplar training program for enhancing relational skills. No significant differences between the groups were found on mathematical performance. A significant increase on SPM performance was observed for the experimental group. The findings are in line with previous research on RFT, suggesting that behaviorally based interventions can enhance intellectual performance. Population characteristics, SMART training procedures, strengths and methodological limitations are discussed.
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