International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy

Volume 16 Num. 1 - March 2016


Therapeutic Collaboration and Significant Events to the Client’s change: A Systematic Review

Volume 16 Num. 1 - March 2016 - Pages 51-62


Andriza Saraiva Corrêa , Eugénia Ribeiro , Dulce Pinto , Ana Sofia Teixeira


This study presents a systematic review of literature on research focused in significant events in psychotherapy and their relation with collaborative nature process between therapist and client. Researchers argue that attention to significant events can be effectively an important strategy to improve the understanding of how change process occurs in psychotherapy. Moreover, the therapeutic collaboration as a central dimension of alliance has been consistently associated with therapeutic change. This study aimed to understand how these two research topics have been addressed in conjunction by psychotherapy researchers. Medline and PubMed Resources Guide, Scielo, Web of Science, Scopus, PsycINFO, EBSCO and OVID electronic databases was searched between the years 2000 and 2015, with keywords such as therapeutic alliance or collaboration, and significant events, helpful aspects, important moments, or episodes, and process or outcomes, with all possible combinations of derivatives. Regarding the results of this review, we found only four qualitative studies that meet the inclusion criteria. These studies had different aims and used different methodologies to collect and to analyze the significant events. The analysis of these studies suggest a need for further investigations aiming to do microanalysis the interactive and relational processes occurring within the significant events in psychotherapy.

Key words:

significant events, therapeutic alliance, therapeutic collaboration, change process

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