International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy

Volume 14 Num. 1 - March 2014


The Psychometric Properties of the Hungarian Version of the Proactive Coping Inventory: Reliability, Construct Validity and Factor Structure

Volume 14 Num. 1 - March 2014 - Pages 115-124


Zsuzsanna Alm?ssy , Győző P?k , G?bor Papp , Esther R. Greenglass


The purpose of the study was to adapt the Proactive Coping Inventory to a Hungarian language context, and to evaluate its psychometric properties. The psychometric characteristics of the Hungarian version of the Proactive Coping Inventory (PCI-H) were examined, based on the data of 452 individuals (mean age= 25.84). Self-report questionnaires were filled out: Proactive Coping Inventory and the short version of the Beck Depression Inventory. In this paper we will present results referring to the reliability of the PCI-H subscales (Cronbach?s alpha= .71 to .86), the construct validity of the inventory and the item analysis. We will also present the results of the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), which was conducted to test the fit of the original theoretically derived seven-factor structure of the PCI-H. The result of the factor analysis identified seven scales of the inventory (χ2/df= 1.870; CFI= .855; TLI=.845 RMSEA=.045; SRMR=.0678). Overall, the results of this validation study are highly promising. The subscales of the PCI have good reliability and construct validity, moreover the results of the CFA verify that the seven-factor model represents the original factor structure of PCI in an appropriate way.

Key words:

Coping, Proactive Coping Inventory, Reliability, Confirmatory Factor Analysis

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