Volume 1 Num. 1 - June 2001
Shifting Differentiation and Its Implications for the Response Concept [Diferenciaci?n Cambiante y sus Implicaciones Para el Concepto de Respuesta]
Volume 1 Num. 1 - June 2001 - Pages 47-66
Vicki L. Lee , ,
This study extended a past experiment on shifting differential reinforcement to a simple game-like task with human participants and followed through the distinction between responses and deeds in analyzing the resulting data. 6 college students worked on a computer-presented task in which button depressions changed a display of icons, provided the cursor was within the target location on the computer screen. The target location changed in a predictable direction but anunpredictable distance after every 15 icon changes. Data analysis related changes in the ratio of icon changes relative to button depressions to (a) cursor relocations after a failure to change the icons, (b) location repetitions after a success, (c) relocations after a failure that moved towards the target location, and (d) distances traversed by relocations. These components of successful performance became increasingly present as ratios of icon changes relative to button depressions increased. The paper concludes by relating an apparently anomalous aspect of the findings to the distinction between responses and deeds
Key words:
Response concept, Deeds, Differential reinforcement, Operant conditioning, Human operant research
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