International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy

Volume 2 Num. 1 - June 2002


Assessment of an Intervention on Social Behavior, Intragroup Relations, Self-concept and Prejudice Cognitions During Adolescence [Evaluaci?n de una Intervenci?n sobre el Comportamiento Social, las Relaciones Intragrupo, el Autoconcepto y las Cogniciones de Prejuicio Durante la Adolescencia]

Volume 2 Num. 1 - June 2002 - Pages 1-22


Maite Garaigordobil Landazabal , ,


The aim of this research was to design an intervention program for adolescents and assess its effects on factors of social and personal development. The study used a pretest-intervention-posttest design with control groups. The sample consisted of 174 subjects aged 12 to 14, 125 of them experimental and 49 control. Before and after the program, six instruments were administered in order to measure: friendly and prosocial intragroup relations, social behaviors, behavioral problems, self-concept, and prejudiced cognitions. The intervention program applied to the experimental subjects consisted of a two-hour intervention session once per week throughout one academic year. The program contained 60 activities that stimulate communication, friendly cooperative interactions, expression and understanding of emotions, identification of perceptions and prejudices, and reflection on discrimination, ethnocentrism and solving of human conflicts. The MANCOVA results suggest a highly positive effect of the program. A decrease in prejudiced cognitions was observed. There was also an increase in behaviors of consideration for others and in friendly and prosocial intragroup relations, a decrease in antisocial behaviors, and an improvement in social self-concept.

Key words:

Adolescence, Social Development, Self-Concept, Prejudices, Antisocial and Prosocial Behavior

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