International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy

Volume 15 Num. 2 - June 2015


Evaluación de relaciones deícticas y teoría de la mente con una muestra de estudiantes universitarios

Volume 15 Num. 2 - June 2015 - Pages 191-203


María del Mar Montoya , Francisco J. Molina Cobos


Assessing Deictic Relational Responding and Theory of Mind with a Sample of University Students. In the study of the Theory of Mind (ToM) as a sine qua non capacity for the development of basic interpersonal abilities which facilitate social repertoire, there has been scarce contributions from the functional analytic behavioral approach to identify the specific variables needed to establish or remedy deficits in these skills. In recent years, Relational Frame Theory has proposed that deictic relations of I-YOU, HERE-THERE and NOW-THEN, with different levels of relational complexity, are found at the base of social skills and thus of ToM. In the present paper these relationships are evaluated in university students, and it is analyzed the possible connection between deictic frames and ToM. The results indicate that this relationship does not seem strongly consistent. The findings are discussed in terms of necessary complexity in deictic relations to solve classical ToM tasks in order to get practical strategies to develop effective intervention in this area

Key words:

theory of mind, deictic relations, basic interpersonal skill

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